Join Us!

Help make western Wake County an even better place to live. Build new friendships and have fun with terrific women while making a difference in our communities! 

Potential members are always welcome at any volunteer event; and at our monthly general membership meetings which are the 3rd Monday of every month at 7:00 pm, between September and June. See our Calendar for upcoming event details.

Drop by any event and introduce yourself. Or look around our website to learn more about our beloved volunteer organization. We hope to see you soon. 

Become a Member

Like what you see, and want to become a member? Annual dues are $95, which is used by our local WWWC club to actively serve people living in our immediate area. A portion of the dues are distributed to our district and state charters (parent organizations).

Current members can pay annual membership dues below. Please note that $3.15 credit card usage fee is applied. 

Pay Membership Dues